Hello to all who are reading this right now! First of all, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to check out my blog! This is my first official blog post! I am honored that you are interested in what I have to say! I had never really pictured myself as a blogger, but lately the idea started sounding more appealing to me. As any of you who know me know, I LOVE a good conversation! I love to express feelings and ideas, and I love putting them on paper as well. I have been an avid journal-er since I was 13. As a stay at home mom, (which I love by the way), it's nice to feel like I can have a voice and a connection to the outside world. I will warn you, my posts will probably be full of grammar and spelling mistakes (thank goodness for spell check!), and when I'm writing, proper punctuation placement is not a huge concern. Lol... You will also have to pardon me if a few texting abbreviations pop up here and there. It's a bad habit, and they are so convenient! ( = I can promise you though, that I am a soulful writer. I leave my heart on the page. My posts may not always be deep or profound, but I do try to put a lot of thought into the things that I write. I am at a point in my life where I feel that God has been testing me, strengthening me, and teaching me so much. I want to use my blog to share some of those struggles and triumphs, and all the little blessing that are discovered along the way. I hope that this blog can be an encouragement to you. We are living in such hard times. There are so many hurts and hang ups in our lives. Sometimes it is just a relief to know you are not alone. I don't want to use this page as a place to whine, but as a place that I can share with you the testimony of how God is working in my life. I am not "all wise" or "all knowing". I don't have an abundance of knowledge. Heck, I don't even claim to have a whole lot of common sense! ( = What I do have though, are those everyday lessons that have become the building blocks for my life. Each day presents itself with its own set of challenges and joys. Sometimes the joys are harder to see because the clouds of struggle can rest so heavily on our lives. I know what that is like. I have been there. I AM there on some days, but within each of those trials lies something beautiful. The lessons are always there, it is just a matter of whether or not my heart is open to seeing and receiving them. I hope that you can enjoy reading my blog. Who knows, my life and my thoughts might be completely boring to you. If they are, then I guess I may be my only reader. Lol....that's ok though. Writing, for me, has never been as much about how it is received by its audience, as it is about the clarity and the understanding that it seems to bring to my life. I am excited (and a little nervous) to share my heart with you. I have such a full life. I have been tremendously blessed! If I can share even a fraction of the joy and the love that has been bestowed upon me, I will feel that this has been worth my while. So here we go...hope you learn as much as I do from a life full of lessons...my life!
Thanks again for reading! God Bless! ~Carli~
I am sure you will have a lot to share Carli. Looking forward to reading it. I love you!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You got a page! You sound so much like me, hunny, it's weird! I haven't written in mine for at least a year..but it's bowerblessings@blogspot i think! haha! good luck!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm glad you decided to do it! :-) I can't wait to read what you write!
ReplyDeleteLove ya!
Hey Carli you are a fantastic writer... I'm sure the people that read your blog will find it quite interesting...I love you and i wish you the very best .... hopefully some editor will read your blog and realize how talented you really are... Keep the stories coming... I love your writings... im one of your biggest fans... Huggs KK
ReplyDeleteHey Carli, nice blog. I can't wait to read more, keep them coming.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys! Glad you enjoyed my first post!
ReplyDeleteHi Carli, I look forward to reading your posts, I can tell you really do put your heart out there on the page! I'm glad I found such a great blog to follow:)