Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and
He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's Not About Me

Hello to all my wonderful friends who take the time to read this blog!

I wanted you all to know that I am so grateful for all the feedback I have gotten! Please leave your comments and feedback either on here, or Facebook, or you can always email me @

I have been wanting so badly to do something for the Lord, and I am kinda starting to feel like this might be part of my ministry. I have been so encouraged by those of you who leave your comments, and those of you who have told me in person that you have read my posts. Even if the only thing I accomplish in this blog is to give God the honor and the glory He deserves for the things He has done in MY life, then I feel like that is enough, but I do pray though that He can reach all of YOU through my words also! I want so badly to be a vessel for the Lord! It would SOOO bless me to know that He would choose to use me to relate to one of you or to really touch on something that you are going through!

I was thinking about all of this earlier, and I was thinking about how much pleasure it has given me to write about the things that God has laid on my heart! It brings me so much more joy than I ever could've imagined! All that being said though, I wanted to make sure that you all knew that this isn't about me! If this ever becomes about me, I know that it won't be worth writing anymore. I pray every time that I write that I will be filled with humility and that pride will never interfere with how God wants to use me.

As I said in my last post, I am more aware of my sinful state of being and my imperfections now than I ever have been in my life. As I grow, more and more of God's light shines into my heart and reveals all the grime that is really there. It is certainly a humbling experience! I am almost fearful of telling you all about how I am growing for fear that you will think that it is my pride speaking. PLEASE KNOW that everything I say comes out of a heart of complete humility! Ephesians 2:4-5 says,
"4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. " and then it goes on to say, "8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. " Nothing I did or can do will get me into Heaven, or even out of my own sin! It is almost embarrassing that God would choose me for this mission of writing to you all. I feel extremely inadequate. I struggle with worrying that my words will fall flat, or be taken offensively, or won't even be read in the first place. I worry that I am going to say the wrong thing or reveal too much about myself or not do the Lord justice for all He has done for me. I feel like I can relate to Moses a little. "God, why would you want to use me? I am filled with the most foolish of all follishness! I am so unworthy!" I honestly feel this way every time I sit down in front of the computer to write. I know that my spelling is probably horrible, and my grammar would make my high school English teacher shake her head in disappointment! I AM so unworthy of this task! I don't know WHY God has called me to it! I am just trying to do my best to obey. I have never had to struggle too much with my pride. I have actually struggled a whole lot more with seeing my worth in Christ than I ever have with my pride, but occasionally the Devil will get sneaky and start whispering things in my ear. A few of you have so graciously encouraged me and complimented me, and in those moments, sometimes I have to double check myself to make sure my pride and my head don't start to swell a little. The truth is though, all I have to do is remind myself that without Christ, I would have nothing, and I would be nothing. He is my everything, and the only reason I am anything is because He is alive in me. I know myself. I know my fleshly heart and I would just about die if you all could see my thoughts, intentions, or motivations sometimes. They are truly shameful. Everything that is good in me comes from the Lord, and I am just ABSOLUTELY grateful that He sees fit to work in me and through me! It is the most exciting and invigorating thing I have ever experienced! I am absolutely overwhelmed by Him! The outpouring of grace and forgiveness that I receive on a daily basis is more than I can wrap my head around! So I just wanted you to know where I am coming from. I wanted you to know that if I have ever sounded prideful that that is not my heart. I am just a struggling Christian who is longing for a closer relationship with my most amazing and awesome Heavenly Father! Every day I mess up, and every day I have to ask for forgiveness, usual for the same things I asked to be forgiven for yesterday! I just can't help but smile though when I think of how willing and quick God is to forgive me and to offer me another chance, and I just can't help but share it with all of you. I hope SO MUCH that each of you can experience the love of Christ as I have been able to in the past few months. Words really can't even do justice to it. I am again reminded of a worship song. The lyrics say something like, It's all about you Jesus And all this is for you For your glory and your fame It's not about me As if you should do things my way You alone are God And I surrender to your will That is how I feel! It's not about me! I NEVER want it to be about me again, because honestly, I was MISERABLE when life was about me. For some reason, we always think that we will be happier when life is about us, but I can tell you from experience that true joy and peace is found in surrendering your life to Christ. There is nothing like it! I want to leave you with a few verses that I am sure you are all familiar with, but they are still a great reminder.
Galatians 6:14
"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world."
Proverbs 11:2
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

Proverbs 18:12
"Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor."

Lord I pray that you keep me humble, because I know the more pride I have, the harder my fall will be when you finally do decide to humble me. I don't want to have to fall hard to have your humility and grace! Please remind me every day of what your word says, and of my need for you!
James 1:17 "Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." The good in my life is not from me Lord, but from You and You alone! Thank you for Your goodness and for sharing it with me! In Jesus precious name, AMEN

Thanks so much for reading! I pray that God will bless your lives as richly as He has blessed mine and that you will really feel His presence and feel Him working in your life! God Bless you all!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Call to Action

Morning all!
I have been reading through the book of James, and this morning I came across a verse that really convicted me. I love the book of James! Everyday, God really speaks to me through that piece of scripture. I have read through it before, and I will be sure to read through it again, but this time through I just seem to be able to relate to it more than I ever have before.
So, as I said when I started this blog, I wanted to share about all the things God is teaching me. It has seemed like in the past year, we have just been hit with one stress after another. As soon as one thing looks like it is finally getting better, we get hit with something else.
Now I realize that when you look at the things that have happened in my life and compare them to the pain that so many other people face, it may not seem like I much to deal with. And you know what? You are absolutely right. I recently received an email asking for prayer for a family who was about to lose their nine year old little boy to cancer. The mother had written an entry in her journal that day that they had included in the email. All through her entry, she was finding things to praise God for. What strength. That precious lady has so much more faith than I do. So when I think about situations like that, it definitely puts things into perspective for me. However, in my own life, though my struggles are so different, there have been times that I have felt that they would swallow me alive! I have literally said to God " I can't handle anything else Lord!". "Please don't put anything else on my plate, because I may just crumble under the pressure." It has all felt too big for me to handle. And maybe it is too big for me, but it's not too big for God. He has gotten me through and has made me so much stronger. I am so grateful to have grown.
Ya know, the funny thing about growing closer to God, is the closer we get to Him, the more we see our own weaknesses and shortcomings. God's light starts shining in those deep dark corners of our lives where we like to hide things and try to hang on to them for just a little while longer. I know for me, it's the place where I tuck away all those convictions that I don't want to think about or deal with. I put them in the back of my mind and say to myself, "I'll deal with that later".
As I have been spending more time with the Lord, and as He has been teaching me, there is one specific phrase that I feel has continually been spoken to my soul. It is so clear and specific that it almost makes me want to hide out of shame, like Adam did in the garden. "What are you doing in your life that has eternal value?" That is the sentence that I have felt spoken to me over and over again in the past months. The reason I feel ashamed is because my answer is not one that I am proud to report. "Not much Lord, not much", is all I can think. I think about all the running around I do and how busy I am. I think about all the time that I waste, and then I think about how much of it I actually use to do things that will have any affect on eternity. It's a sobering thought to me as a Christian. The things that keep me so busy aren't necessarily wrong, but if they keep me from doing the things that I was put on this earth to do, that is when they become a problem. I have always felt like I could live out my testimony through my actions and my choices, and in some ways I have and I do, but is that really enough? Aren't we called as Christians to be outspoken about the love of Christ? Are we living in a time when we can really afford to put it off any longer? I have always struggled with vocally sharing the Gospel with others. I'm so afraid I'm going to do it wrong or turn people away. What I need to realize though, is that my calling is not to do it perfectly, or to even do it right. I just have to share how God has worked in my life, and what He has done for me, and the rest is up to Him!
In the 4th chapter of James, it talks about not boasting about tomorrow, because we don't know what it will bring. We don't know how long we have. We don't even know for sure that we will have tomorrow. In the same paragraph, verse 17 to be exact, it says this,
"Anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."
Wow! That hit me like a ton of bricks! How many times have I been convicted about something, and put it off or have pushed it out of my mind either out of fear or laziness. How many times have I missed opportunities that God had for me to serve or to witness because I was too busy to listen. The Bible clearly states that that is SIN. Not only is doing the WRONG thing sin, but not doing ANYTHING is sin too! God hates complacency. Revelation 3:16 says "So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth." There is no more time to wait! Just cruising through life is not pleasing to God. He wants more for us and from us! The time to act for God is NOW. I DO NOT want to stand before my Heavenly Father one day, knowing all that He did for me, and knowing that I didn't share that with every person that I could!
Here is a quote by Charles Spurgeon (that I stole from my Aunt Marci's blog) that really says it all.
"If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms around their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for. - C.H. Spurgeon.
Hell is a real place. I know its hard to think about. No one wants to think about dying or what hell will be like, but death is a reality we will all face, and Hell is a reality that all of those who don't come to Christ will certainly face as well.
So here is my call to action. I need to be constantly aware of the spiritual need in our world (which is very great I might add), and of those people that I come into contact with everyday. I know that I am given opportunities on a daily basis to show someone the love of Christ, either through my words or my actions. I must seize every opportunity! I must put my fear behind me and step out in faith, so that one day when I stand before my gracious Heavenly Father, that I know I did everything I could to let others know about the reality of Heaven and Hell, and the reality of God our Creator who surpasses anything we could ever conceive or imagine. I have been given such a precious gift in Christ. I don't want to be selfish enough to keep it to myself after all I have been given.
I love this song by Brandon Heath. I want to make this my prayer. It's something to think about Christians. Please pray for me, that I can focus on the things in my life that do have eternal value and that I don't forget and get caught up in all the busyness of things that really don't matter. I don't want to waste any more time! I don't want to miss another opportunity to share the love of Christ with someone. I don't want another person in my life to be able to look at me when we reach the crossroads between Heaven and Hell and say "Why didn't you tell me?" "Why didn't you offer me the Salvation that you had all along", because at that point, it will be too late. There will be no going back. We still have today. God is giving us today to do the work that He laid out for us. Don't wait any longer. The Lord will return one day soon, and I want His harvest to be ripe and ready!
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I've been missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken-hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see!
Thanks all for reading. I am certainly preaching to myself here and hope that you all can and will pray for me as I strive to become who Christ wants me to be and do all the things I know He has called me to do!
God Bless!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Spiritual Revolution

Well, this isn't going to be a super exciting post I don't think, but I wanted to give an update on everything that has been going on lately.
As, far as the house goes, the landlords came, and the house is officially on the market. We have already had one showing, and another one is scheduled for this evening. It's kinda surprising how much attention the house is getting! Even the listing Realtor seems surprised. The house is actually a little overpriced compared to a lot of other houses on the market that are similar to it, so we'll see what happens. We are obviously allowed to stay until the completion of our lease, which is actually December 31st not December 1st like I had originally thought. The house is only listed until December. If it doesn't sell, they will pull it off the market until spring. If we want to continue to stay after our lease is up, we will probably rent month to month. We are not sure what we are going to do yet. We have actually been looking at houses online and have found a lot in our price range! We just really need to sit and talk to some people and see if we can get financed. Prayer for guidance and discernment in this area would be much appreciated!
I am still sad that we will be leaving. I am coming to terms with it though. I have actually found myself getting excited about all the possibilities in our future.
The most frustrating part of this whole thing right now is that I feel like I am doing all the work to sell this house (Well, Matt and I). Every time the house gets shown, I have to clean it, and then be gone while they are showing it. I have been trying to keep things clean so that I don't have to scramble every time I find out that there is a showing, but it is a challenge. The realty company only has to give me 24 hours notice, so if my house isn't clean, I have to drop everything and make it presentable enough to show. I am doing all of this, and the only thing the actual owners of the house have to do is sit and wait. It really coudn't have worked out any better for them. It hasn't been too bad so far, but we have also only had one showing.
The other morning, I got a phone call from the listing realtor, (who in her defense has been very kind). Apparently the realty company had been trying to get a hold of me to schedule a showing for that morning at 11:45, and I hadn't realized it. No one told me I would be receiving any calls from them, and I don't generally answer numbers I don't recognize. So anyway, it was about 8:30am at the time. I told them that I wasn't gonna be able to be ready by 11:45!! I hadn't even recovered my house from Lexi's party yet!! Well, I guess they couldn't work it in any other time, so I had to jump up and run around like a wild woman to get the entire house clean in 3 hours! I was feeling extremely frustrated. All I wanted to do was hang out with Lexi and just take a day off after being soooo busy for weeks! But I couldn't. Instead I had to clean the house for people that I didn't even want at my house anyway!!! Grrrr!
I think that this situation alone wasn't what was bothering me. It's just been everything combined. I feel like I have no control over anything. I feel like I can't even feel comfortable in my own home because I have to worry about keeping it spotless for showings. They get to disrupt my life whenever they feel like it to come walk through every room of my house when I am not even home. I feel like I have no control over my privacy either. Your house is supposed to be a place where you can keep your personal things and parts of your life that you don't necessarily want to share with everyone, but not anymore. The realtor informed me that they would most likely be opening cabinets, closets, and drawers. I get that they want to see the house, but its just frustrating to know that complete strangers could be rummaging through my cupboards, and I can't do a thing about it. I realize that most people will be respectful, but it still leaves me feeling terribly exposed, and I don't like it!
So I just started crying. Exhaustion, stress, and frustration were overwhelming me. I started praying. I was so angry! I wasn't mad at God, but I WAS mad at my circumstances, and the only thing I could think to do was pray. As I was praying, I just started expressing to God everything I was feeling. I knew my feelings were ugly, and a lot of bitterness came pouring out, but that is what I love about my God. I don't have to pretend. I can tell Him about everything I'm feeling and thinking! And it was so amazing, because as all that ugly poured out, God started filling my heart with peace. Tears were just streaming down my face, no longer because I was angry, but because I was grateful. I was so grateful that even when I feel like I am hitting rock bottom, God is there. I was grateful because He is able to turn every situation in my life that feels negative into something that I can look back at and thank Him for! I was grateful because, my God, the God of this massive universe, the same God that is greiving over the spritiual state of our world, and is dealing with problems much bigger than mine, cared. God cared enough about Carli to be there with me in that moment where I felt so helpless and so frustrated. His love and His presence were so overwhelming to me right then.
One thing that has been so cool about what I've been going through lately, is the way I have been hearing from God. Sometimes the things that He speaks to my heart are so clear that they could almost be audible! A verse from James came to my mind as I was praying, and I knew it was from God.
"2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4
This verse spoke so directly to what I was/am going through. I memorized that verse as a child, and it was tucked away somewhere in a dusty corner of my mind. God drew it out at a time when He knew I needed it so badly. I couldn't help but think about how much God has been teaching me, and how I AM learning perserverance! I have always been able to admit that I am not a very patient person, and God is growing me in that area for sure! It also brings to mind a verse that I have posted on my fridge.
Phillipians 1:6 "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus."
To think that God is completing me and perfecting me was such an awesome thought! There IS a purpose for all of these trials I have been facing, and the purpose is much bigger than the surface lessons that I have been learning (though those are important too). i had known that all along in my head, but for the first time I felt its absolute truth in my heart. God is maturing me, perfecting me, and completing me!!! WOW! It really brought to life for me what it means to be God's handywork! God cares so much for me that He is personally investing in me! Once I came to this realization, I not only had incredible peace, but so much JOY!!! God is making me unshakable! Not in my own strength, but in HIS! That is so exciting to me. I have always felt so weak. I have felt like other people's opinions of me have controlled much of my life. i have felt that circumstances had the power to turn me upside down. To think that I have the strength within me to overcome ALL of these things was a revolutionary thought to me!
What an important moment that was in my life. Thank God that He cares about me enough to allow me to go through challenges in my life so that I can be made complete in Him! I am at a point right now that I can honestly and genuinly say that I am absolutely grateful to be facing every trial in my life right now, and I am ready for God to use me and take me wherever He sees fit.
This is only the beginning of my journey, and I am so excited to see where God is going to take me. I am so ready to be used by Him! It is so exciting to be trusting and living on faith day to day. God isn't finished with me yet. He will continue the good work that He started in me when I was just 6 years old at a Billy Graham conference. I know that as long as I am listening, and as long as my heart is willing and waiting to hear from Him, every day will be a revolution! A spiritual revolution that will begin within me, and hopefully spill out and spread to all those around me, so that my life will have made an eternal difference in this very lost and dying world.
Thanks so much for reading! May God Bless each of you the way He has blessed me!

Monday, August 2, 2010

What Makes a House a Home

home (hm)n.
1. A place where one lives; a residence.
2. The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment.
3. A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.
a. An environment offering security and happiness.
b. A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.

When I started my blog, just a few weeks ago, I was picturing writing about things that have already happened to me, and sharing about lessons in my life that I have already learned. However, there are a lot of things in my life that I am still in the midst of. Things that I haven't worked through yet, that I still can't see the end of. And then there are those "things" that are waiting right around the corner. Those trials that I don't see coming and that I am rarely ready for. The ones that tend to hit me like a freight train and knock me off my feet. I realized today that I want to share those things too. It's easy to want to put on this facade of "having it all together". My tendency would be to only reveal to you the things about me and my life that I feel I have control over, but that is not being real. I want to be able to be the first one to admit to you that I have struggles, that my faith is often weak, and my determination is often worn down. I SO value openness and the ability to be genuine. I don't want to pretend to you all that I am anything that I am not. So I intend to put my heart out there. Vulnerability can be so hard to achieve sometimes because the fear of being judged is very real, but when it comes right down to it, the only judgment that matters is that of my Heavenly Father.
So I said all that to say that I am going to reveal some of my weaknesses to you. That doesn't mean that I am proud of them, or that I am okay with my lack of strength in these areas. What it does mean though, is that I recognize that I am on a journey. Every day I have to strive to be who Christ wants me to be, and I know that even then, I will never attain perfection. This isn't about who I am today or where I am right now. It is about where I am headed and who I am trying to become. It's about recognizing what things in my life have eternal value, and being able to let go of the things that don't.! Hope I haven't lost you all already. I'm sure you are wondering when I will actually get to the point of this blog post and when, if ever, my title will actually make sense. To help you understand where I am coming from I have to take you back about 2 years. Matt and I were newly married, and we were living in a tiny (but expensive) one bedroom apartment. We were both working and things were good. It didn't take us long to realize though, that apartment living was not for us! And I think that our landlords would have agreed. It got to the point that it seemed like we couldn't do anything right. Matt had to run an extension cord out the door to plug in his diesel truck, or else it wouldn't start in the winter. They didn't like that. He backed his truck over the curb so that his plow wasn't blocking traffic. They didn't like that. His truck leaked oil in their parking lot, and guess what, they didn't like that either. Lol....I can't say that I blame them. I understand that they wanted to keep up appearances, but it made things tough for us. Matt's trucks and equipment were spread out all over Delaware county and he had to go to his parents every day to feed his dog! It worked for awhile, but after a year and a half, we were ready to move on! Well, it just so happened that the perfect opportunity fell right into our laps. Old friends of Matt's had gotten in touch with him and asked if he could go clean up their property that they had for sale. They had moved out of state and weren't able to keep up with things, and the weeds had gotten out of control. So of course, he went and did the work, but it also got the wheels turning. Maybe they would want to rent it out. The house had been on the market for about a year, and had only had a few showings. When we presented the idea to the owners, they were interested, but they came back with a monthly rent price that Matt and I knew we couldn't afford, so we told them we couldn't do it. I remember being so disappointed. I was even a little angry that we couldn't make it work because I had gotten so excited about the possibility. Well, I decided to just give it to God. What else could I do? We were gonna be stuck in our tiny apartment for who knows how long, but I knew God had a plan for us.
And boy did He ever. A few months later, completely out of the blue, we got a phone call from the owners of the house. They informed us that they had officially pulled the house off the market and asked what price it would take to get us into it. I was shocked! We immediately came to an agreement and started finding out what we had to do to get out of our current lease. Arrangements were made, and on December 1st of 2008, we moved into our very first home.
From the day we moved in I knew that this was a place that I could truly make my home. I loved everything about it. Its spacious, yet homey. Humble, yet beautiful. It is in the country, but still close to town and close to our families. It was perfect! As time has gone by, I have only fallen more and more in love with this place. We have even allowed ourselves to dream about all the things we could do with the place if it were ours, and actually, it often feels like it already is. I know it's just a house and a piece of property, but it represents everything that I want in my life. It is a great place to raise a family, and to have loved ones come over, and to throw birthday parties. We have a pond and a creek and tons of trees and we are surrounded by farmland. It couldn't get any better than that for a country girl like me. I have been able to decorate and paint, and when I look around, I feel like my home is a perfect reflection of our family and the uniqueness of who we are.
Then of course, we had Lexi. I spent hours and hours painting and decorating her room. This is the place we brought her home too and where she has spent her first year of life. I look around and already, this place is so full of memories and precious moments that I will hold so dear to me forever.
We knew that at some point our landlords were going to want to sell again. They had actually offered to sell us the house at one point, for much lower than it's market value, but we have not been in a position to buy. We have talked with them about what we could do, and we were going to just play it buy ear, and keep renting until, hopefully, someday soon, we WOULD be in a place that we could purchase our little piece of paradise.
I have had the occasional, fleeting thought, or rather, worry, that they would one day contact us and tell us they were ready to sell again, before we were ready to buy, but I would just push it to the back of my mind and blow it off. Well, last week....that happened. I got an email from our landlord saying that they were thinking about putting the house back on the market and asked us if we were in a position to buy, and of course, we aren't. They said they they were researching the housing market in the area and would let us know what they decided to do. Then last night, I got a second email that confirmed what I was dreading. They want to sell. They are actually coming this week to visit family, and they said they will probably list it while they are here. Our lease isn't up until December 1st. They said they just wanted to see if the house got any interest. If it doesn't sell, they will pull it back off the market until spring.
So where does that leave us? I'm not really sure. Honestly, I feel like our home is being ripped right out from underneath us. It's so easy to forget that this place isn't ours, and we just got slapped right across the face with the reality that it is not. I can't help but think about all the dreams we had for our future here, and about how I can't imagine how anywhere else could be as wonderful as living here. My heart breaks when I look around and think about what we will be leaving behind. Nothing is certain yet, but we just don't know what is going to happen. Leaving will mean that we will have to find new homes for our animals, ans also find a place for Matt to keep all his equipment. It's going to be sad and stressful. I suppose that there is still the chance that they will not be able to sell and that we will be able to stay. I secretly hope for that, even though I know it's terribly selfish. But then there is also the chance that there will be a quick buyer, and come December, we will be moving out. I just hate the uncertainty of it all.
So I've been asking God, what do you want me to learn from all this? And I think there is probably more than one answer to that question. One verse in particular came to mind as I was trying to process this situation. Collosians 3:2 "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." The truth is, everything in this life is temporary. Even if we are able to stay here and eventually buy this house, it will still only last as long as we do. Once this life is over, everything here becomes irrelevant except for what we did to please the Father.
I have realized as I have been writing this blog post (which has actually been over the course of a couple days), that this house might make me happy, but it is not the source of my joy, and the blessing in that, is that because it can not supply my joy, it also can't take it away!
I've heard the saying before, "The only thing that is certain in life is uncertainty." Ain't that the truth! But I think that is all part of God's divine plan. If we were always certain about everything, then why would we need faith, and why, for that matter, would we need God? I find in my own life that (sadly) I am much more aware of His presence in my valleys than on my mountain tops. When everything is fine and dandy, I often forget my need for Christ to be the center of my life. These uncertainties in life serve as an amazing reminder that I have everything I need right inside of me! And my Savior is so gracious and kind! He could let me fall and leave me crying out for help, but He doesn't. He always reaches out to catch me and gives me the peace and the comfort that I am longing for.
So to answer my own question, "What makes a house a home?", it is not about where I live, or about what kind of house I live in. What makes any house my home is, first of all, knowing that Christ is with me wherever I go, and He can give me everything I need. And secondly, that my family is what makes any house a home, and they are far more precious than any four walls and roof that could possibly become our place of residence.
So my conclusion? I know this process might not be easy. I still might cry if we have to leave. I will still look around and try to memorize all the nooks and crannys of this place so I will never forget them, and I will still take one last look back when we pull out of the drive for the last time, but I have found a strength and a joy that far outweighs any of the discomfort that might be to come. I have an eternal home in Heaven waiting for me, and in the meantime, I have all the security, happiness, and the refuge that I will ever need right within me. His name is Jesus Christ.
(Thanks for reading! I know I was long winded!)

God Bless!